Thursday, February 18, 2010


1. I hate socks. More specifically, I hate wearing socks at home. Socks make me feel confined. My Mom loves to lecture about how not wearing socks on a cold surface can (and will) lead to varicose veins. Thanks for the advice, Mom, but I went to nursing school.

2. I am easily bored with my hair. The current plan is to grow it out. Bleh.

3. Trash television is my favorite. Some of my favorite shows include The Hills, Keeping Up With the Kardashians, etc.

4. Extreme Home Makeover makes me cry. Every. Single. Time.

5. I have a love/hate relationship with running. There is nothing like a good run. I do not have a destination or goal. I just run, to run. The problem is after forty five minutes (or even sooner when I interval train), flatulence and indigestion sets in. Does anybody else have this issue? It just makes me want to run... straight to the bathroom! So here's a tip- don't run behind me. You have been warned.

6. I love getting into a car after it has been sitting in the sun for a couple of hours. The hotter the better. Leather seats? Bonus points. Cold weather is not my friend.

7. Top three celebrities I would do
1) Gabriel Aubry
2) Ryan Reynolds
3) David Beckham
... in no particular order.

8. Lent 2010. No dairy. What a horrible thing to give up. There is dairy in everything!

9. I have a tattoo. It all started last year during my 23rd birthday weekend in Vegas. The night before we headed to Vegas, we joked about how we should get tattoos IN Vegas to make it one hell of a trip. I got the tattoo a couple weeks after I got back from Vegas. Worst two minutes of my life. The tattoo says "hope lives" in Greek. It reminds me that whatever is happening in my life, that the hope that lives in me will never die. This hope is what keeps me going. Our trip to Vegas wasn't too bad either. It is still referred to as THE Vegas trip.

10. As a teenager I dreamed of being 24. So here is to my 24th year. I have a feeling it is going to be a good one. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Jennifer's 23rd Bdaeg

On February 4, 2010, a (moisty) star was born. Jennifer Mariano is one of the greatest friends you can ever have. One of her best qualities is her ability to listen. When a decision needs to be made I go to her for honest, straightforward advice. Jennifer, if i ever go on a game show and I can call a friend for help, it would be you. Happy birthday dear friend.

Don't forget to follow her here, here, and here!